Brackenway Consulting News and Blog

Keep up to date with latest commercial and contract management news, expert insights and opinion from Principal, Jon Davies. We’d love to hear your feedback and comments on eveything from the Dutch Dog to the Great Contractor Giveaway.

Drop me a line at whenever you’d like to have a Priviledged Pint.

Gladstone LNG
As I will be participating in a panel discussion on Contracting for Success on Complex Projects at next week’s IACCM Australian Read more
Contracting is a tough game. The industry cycles through periods of feast and famine on a regular basis with forward Read more
Arcadis recently released their annual Global Construction Disputes Report tellingly titled “Avoiding the same pitfalls”. The report contains some interesting statistics Read more
With little fanfare, Brisbane City Council (BCC) yesterday released the business case for the proposed Brisbane Metro. On the face of Read more
Whilst many of today’s  budget measures were flagged in advance the devil is always in the detail and so here Read more
Contractors are a benevolent lot. They give away millions of $ every year to the rich benefactors for whom they Read more
Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a business breakfast event hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland and featuring Read more
Tendering for work can be a time consuming and costly exercise. Long tender lists and the law of averages mean Read more
After the excesses of the festive period the thoughts of many, myself included, turn to making resolutions to stop bad Read more
With the end of the year rapidly approaching I decided to dust off the Brackenway crystal ball to see what we Read more